Brussels Airlines reaches agreement with cockpit and cabin unions about reward package

Brussels Airlines is glad to announce an agreement has been reached with the cockpit unions about their reward package. The deal was signed on March 24. The details will be communicated to the cockpit community in the coming days. The agreement takes into account our current financial reality and focusses mainly to improve the gross salary.

During the covid-crisis, all employees at Brussels Airlines had to make sacrifices to save the company. Now that Brussels Airlines is back to profitability, a deal has been negotiated which will increase the purchasing power of the cockpit community, while taking into account its current financial reality. The focus of the deal is a reviewed gross salary grid in 2 steps, 1 step already this year and another step in 2026.

Two weeks ago, Brussels Airlines was able to reach an agreement with the cabin crew unions about their reward package. Brussels Airlines is confident that the social peace can return to the company, so the airline can live up to its promise to be the most reliable airline, making everyone feel at home. Brussels Airlines once again apologizes towards passengers who were impacted by industrial actions.

On March 7, Brussels Airlines was able to announce the first profitable full-year results since 2019, showing the airline has turned the page after the very difficult covid period. A substantial part of this profit is used to increase the salaries of the employees, but Brussels Airlines remains committed to make important investments for its future, with new, fuel-efficient planes, growth of the network and a state-of-the-art product for its passengers.

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